Gta 5!


Steel Member
What fun is there exploring in a time where the newest technology was a hole in the ground you could shit in? Not me. I'd be more stoked on a new Fallout coming out. Post-apocalyptic radioactive abandoned world > castles and dragons.

But anyways, I love cars, so GTA5 > Skyrim. Not too stoked on Saints 3 because it's still the same exact god damn map they've been using since the first game. It's played out. Such a disappointment.


What fun is there exploring in a time where the newest technology was a hole in the ground you could shit in? Not me. I'd be more stoked on a new Fallout coming out. Post-apocalyptic radioactive abandoned world > castles and dragons.

But anyways, I love cars, so GTA5 > Skyrim. Not too stoked on Saints 3 because it's still the same exact god damn map they've been using since the first game. It's played out. Such a disappointment.

all preference, i think fallout sucks ass


Steel Member
You can use grandmas as shields and toss them into cars/over bridges/off cliffs
tazer people to death
crash planes into helicopters.. ahha
i love it

I'd definitely get it if they weren't still recycling the same map. That seriously pissed me off when I saw the previews and already knew every spot in the game.

But Rob, if you like that kind of stuff you should get Just Cause 2. You can do soooooo much in that game, and it's massive. Over 400 sq. miles of map, including deserts, swamps, jungles, snowy mountains, etc. And it's completely sandbox, you can connect a car to a helicopter via grappling hook and barrel down a road low to the ground taking people out, fly a fighter jet directly at a huge water tower in the middle of a city and parachute out at the last second, watching the jet explode and take the water tower with it, etc. It's amazing. Plus, I've logged about 43 hours so far, and I'm only 41% done the game. Ridiculous.


Steel Member
^ San Andreas is my dream. But I heard it's gonna be Japan.

Trailer drops at noon btw, guess I'll see then. :)


Steel Member
ah hell i love san andres. i hope include las venturas and bone county, i didnt really see any of it in the previews. i saw what looked like mount chilidad though so im sure they will include it somewhere.


Steel Member
i will buy this game if they include the bone county part of the game. all the other cities were just kinda ehh to me.


Steel Member
The entire map was amazing imo. God damn dude, from the trailer the map looks so insane. So pumped.