Haha... David Blaine


haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa now that was actully funny ass shit when he stares after every trick. ima do that on my scoot now
Hahaha I was just debating on wheather I should make a thread about this like 3 days ago!! The best is when there like "What the chopsticks?!?! Stop putting shit on us!" hahaha
Haha, I didn't realise how this all was a joke at first so I gave the first vid a shitty rating.

The original david blaine street magic videos are even more retarded than this, he steals peoples watches and stuff, this ain't magic, this is fucking pickpocketing.
i saw him at NYC for a skool field trip and he was trying to hold his breath as long as he could and he throw his goggles to the crowd and my friend caught it but a teacher took it away from him, not cool