Happy Belated Birthday...

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
New SR :)

accounts for this version started being created February 20th, 2005, making SR a little more than 4 years old.


Super Moderator
Staff member
well it was a land of many OG's posting all the time and no annoying people like liltony and jd ben.
madis and stan would get introuble for posting in the PRO forums.


BST Moderator
Staff member
Tyler Wheeland. said:
well it was a land of many OG's posting all the time and no annoying people like liltony and jd fucking xD ben.
madis and stan would get introuble for posting in the PRO forums.



Silver Member
Kinda like old GTAS. GTAS is all about modding and CSMs now. I joined in the cool era.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Tyler Wheeland. said:
well it was a land of many OG's posting all the time and no annoying people like liltony and jd ben.
madis and stan would get introuble for posting in the PRO forums.
You forgot to put there were no cocky people like yourself there.