It's okay, I understand you have to stick up for your company. I was just stating my opinion.
THIS is how they are overpriced
-These are 21.95
And These-
Are 24.95
Get it?
You are also the ugliest kid to ever ride a scooterwow those tilt pegs look legit!!!! im totally down to buy some!!! jonah i agree with you!!!
nope i dont even know what a jonah ishaha wtf who me??? im pretty damn good lookin! and jonah's got a fro so i know your not talkin about him
You are also the ugliest kid to ever ride a scooter
ok momhahaa come on guys....not in here please...take it too pm's
haha im just kidding around. i have no hate against hardline. im just glad i didnt get banned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!