Has anyone tried to make homade buff bars?


Bronze member
I made several versions:

[img size = 200]http://www.team-s5.bplaced.com/images/stories/1.JPG[/img]
[img size = 200]http://www.team-s5.bplaced.com/images/stories/3.JPG[/img]
[img size = 200]http://www.team-s5.bplaced.com/images/stories/4.JPG[/img]

They are really strong and light the stem's weight is 150gramms

@ Georg
My name is Trucker ...
The Bars are good I've my bar now over a year and never had any problems.
Luki the guy who said my bars are bad, had a prototype version and knew it and the only problem he had with the bar was that I made the slit at the bottom of the bar to narrow. I replaced the steertube! He never cooperated with me so he shouldn't talkt he makes these reinforcement: Lukas Zelinka Reinf ... I told him not to make them like that but ...

This problem with the slit will never occur again!

Big L

Steel Member
I guess i have, i had a buff stem from old buff bars, and broken FrenchID one pieces and just put the buff stem on the FrenchID steer tube and bammm homemade buffs


BST Moderator
Staff member
I noticed the old scooter zone 3 piece bars have sort've more rounder stems, are these old ADA Stems or something???

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
Ben Grantham said:
I noticed the old scooter zone 3 piece bars have sort've more rounder stems, are these old ADA Stems or something???
no there gay copy cat stems cause there fags and copied buffs and said "dont be fooled by copy cats" when there fucking faggot ass's copied buffs in the first place

real buffs all day!
liltony said:
Ben Grantham said:
I noticed the old scooter zone 3 piece bars have sort've more rounder stems, are these old ADA Stems or something???
no there gay copy cat stems cause there fags and copied buffs and said "dont be fooled by copy cats" when the fucking faggot ass's copied buffs in the first place

real buffs all day!
lol that made me laugh


Super Moderator
Staff member
i think this is funny how people dont realize ADA has been making bars for OVER 20 years and buff just got the tubing and put em on a scooter.
so no.
i dont think people copied buff
and ADA stems are like what 20 bucks at my local scooter/goped shop Myrons


Nick Lowry said:
Those stems are awesome,
Tyler you should sell the ADA stems in that shop your starting up with all the madd brakes.
Why would he do that when you can easily get them from the ADA website yourself?
Don't you know anything about economics?
The point of opening a store like that is to buy items in bulk, especially items that people can't normally get separately.
Wholesale = $$$$profit$$$$$
But back on topic!


Nick Lowry said:
Those stems are awesome,
Tyler you should sell the ADA stems in that shop your starting up with all the madd brakes.
omg peole are so retarted he clearly said that ian started a store for madd brakes