Have you ever hit your head on ur fork?

i realise that but if u were learning bris & u were real bad at the motion or someshiz u could............. just a random question lolz


Steel Member
ummm no because i dont like bris. but on other scooterflips if you wear a helmet and learn them youll be fine, then you dont need a helmet when you get the motion down.

Kieran Mayhew

the only injury i have had with bris is when i was first learning them it hit my head and i had a massive lump on my head just like JDBen's cheek bone lol
F*CK Kurt W! 1'st of all, wrong session. 2'nd, this gay question is not worth a thread. 3'rd, don't make threads just to get attention

Kieran Mayhew

haha yeah but that was when he did a flair... or tried... anyone know if ben can do them now???


hit my self with the brake in the back of my head doing front scooter flips. good thing theres helemets.