Headset will not stay tight

Derek Seay

No matter what i do, my headset comes loose after like 10 mins of riding. I've tried loctite, didn't work. I am running HIC. Anything else i could try? It's fucking annoying.

Keenan Still

Steel Member
your starnut may have a part time job of taking it in the ass sir, i suggest a backround check on it, you ride smx correct? is it a removable starnut or the one you install


this happened to my freind, the starnut was slowly getting pulled out of his fork this might be happening to u, if thats not it then scs haha


Steel Member
Oh. The threads on the starnut or bolt could be worn down causing it to vibrate? Try getting a new bolt and starnut...

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member

Best $3 you'll ever spend.

Derek Seay

So I:
Got a new bolt and Starnut (The starnut went in so god damn straight, im pretty stoked)
And i had some of that thread tape
We'll see how long this lasts

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
It's plumber's tape.
Wrap it around the threads as tight as you can, a few layers. As you tighten it down, some will peel/pull up, it's fine. It'll stay tight until you loosen it.