Heel whips, opposite whips question

Austin Forkner

Steel Member
Ok so i ride regular stance and my natural way to whip is to kick it to the right and I've always been told that a heel whip is just an opposite whip so I would kick it to the left. I was at a skatepark the other day and I did a triple whip air and these scooter guys said I did a triple heel air and that I heel whip naturally. They said a heel whip is just when u kick it with your heels and they said I did that when I did my regular whip. So which is it? And can u even heel whip naturally?


Silver Member
yes you can heel naturally. like they said... a heel whip is where you kick with your heels ,and with your stance being regular, the deck will spin to the right. a tailwhip you kick with your toes and the deck spins the opposite way, to the left.