Tony, dude, you got banned for a list of thing. From the beginning of your 2nd chance, til now. Starting problems with people nonstop. Adding fuel to the fire between people, and then them exploding on you for what reasons? They dont like you? I wonder why. Now that "The trolls are coming", "Lets raid TCUB forums", "The trolls are going to raid SR". Who was the one that was starting all that? YOU. Tony, you did the shit you did on TCUB. And you got banned. Then they come here calling you out about shit that you did and lets SR and the Mods/Admins here know in that thread. Well, you can back it all you want that your "innocent" but your not. Jordan gave them a I.P. and it matched the one they banned off their site. And it matched, your ip here, and the ip on there. Then Stan goes there talking shit on you, because he dont like you for the problems you've caused here, and there. Then the thread lastnight, "WAR AGAINST TCUB", that made you sound stupid, and then when everyone wasnt hopping on the bandwaggon and started attacking you, you wanted that thread locked. It didnt go your way so you wanted it locked. Your banned, deal with it.
What you did gave Scooter riders in general a BAD NAME, as well as SR for your shit.