Hey guys.. I have trouble with tailwhip...


Alright let me clear up something first. I know that people are going to say that I could just google this and that but I don't think it's really helpful. So basically I've recorded myself and watched it a couple of times aswell as watching other people do the tailwhips and I could see what I was doing wrong. (I RIDE REGULAR)
Basically whenever I tailwhip I basically kick the deck with my right leg and then my right leg goes very far in the sky when I jump but my left one hits the ground really fast before the deck could actually even spin the 360 rotation. On the video I could see aswell that my rotation isn't very good when I jump and I don't know how to fix that. I will attach the video here aswell. People also say that I should COMMIT to it. Like jump higher which I don't realize how to do. I've been trying to do this for a really long time. I find it hard. And if you could explain what I really need to do and practice more I would appreciate that. I really like riding the scooter and I wanna learn more but this is my goal after I do this I will be really happy. And like everyone says just don't give up.. I'm gonna keep practicing the things you guys will tell me that I have to work on! Thanks again.


Steel Member
Hey man, I was at that point once. I would recommend trying to keep both feet together, even if it means neither land on the deck at first. Focus on your pop instead of the rotation, jump off the deck like you're not trying to land anything, just jump as high as possible. Also try practicing the landing separately, that will get you comfortable with the idea of both feet meeting the deck. It's all just lots and lots of practice. Good luck dude