billy evers
thanks manMurda�¯�¯|�¯�¯ said:Wtfff Bar tire tap to footjam180 to tire tap to bar... was beast ass fckkk
It wasn't at all hard ahaha but thanks mang <3333Luke Maff said:that last trick amazed me, not because how hard it was but for some reason it looks fucking amazing
I KNOW DUDE HOW PRIME WAS MY RIDINGMatt Dibble said:last trick was sick
footjam stuff was gnarly
and something i don't think anyone else has pointed out yet, railride stuff! WTF! bar manny bar, and railride to 360? the second one seems so insanely hard to spin it without carving.
Sweet riding on all accounts, but i think you could get better quality out of that camera.