Hookah smokers?

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
My local hookah lounge has the option to stuff real fruits with tobacco... once i tried that i will never go back to the normal bowl, tastes so much better out of an apple or pineapple haha.

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
ryanbehlau. said:
Can someone fill me in on what exactly Hookah bars are?
The one i goto is like a restaurant, but its reallll chillin. There couches with tables to chill at and booths. You can order food, dranks, and a hookah. A hookah is this big giant bong type thing you smoke flavored tobacco through. Theres less nicotine/tar in a hit than a ciggarett, but the hookah lasts more than 45 minutes, so its argued that its worse than cigs for you. The hookah really mellows you out and makes you feel chillin, but not like high. The place near me also have live music, whenever i go its usually acoustic, but there was bands a few times.

Heres a picture of a hookah, its got a pineapple ontop stuffed with flavored tobacco haha, i got it once with my friends, we got an apple last time we went



I own SR.
I used to go to one downtown but I think it's gone now. There's still a few around but I haven't been in a long time. The bars are fun though if you go with a group of people and hang out awhile.


Super Geek
Staff member
They are pretty great. We use them at birthdays and at the local chillin-restaurant named the Hookah House.

In direct translation from Estonian to English, we call them "waterpipes" haha.
My friends parents are crazy....

they own this place called Koffee Zone but every friday and saturday night they make a it a Hookah Bar, kids from my school go all the time, they don't card either and they know your under age but they still let you in.
Its pretty fun, i don't smoke but i like to chill with my friends there any ways since its free drinks.


had this hookah bar a block down from me for awhile, it was great. get burned out studying, so go to the hookah bar and chill for an hour on a couch listening to reggae blowing smoke rings. then it closed though because of liquor law violations, still pissed about that.


Steel Member
yea hookahs are great.. i have like 3 of them so far... i smoke that shit every night... it does make you feel chill... any who how about yall check that site eh???


Nick Granger said:
dude, get over it. People smoke. It's not like by smoking you're showing that you have no direction in life.. It's something you do when you get together with people to chill out..


haha thats not what i do when i want to chill out. yeah i know before i said its saying you have no direction in life, but is it getting you anywhere??? i dont think so. but whatever, its only your money, time, and other stuff you could be doing instead of killing your lungs


Nick Granger said:
its only your money, time, and other stuff

exactly. its our "money, time, and other stuff." why do you care what others do in their own time when they're enjoying themselves? really, who wants to live to be 95 years old anyway?


Steel Member
seankane said:
Nick Granger said:
its only your money, time, and other stuff

exactly. its our "money, time, and other stuff." why do you care what others do in their own time when they're enjoying themselves? really, who wants to live to be 95 years old anyway?

i agree.... and quite the contrary it cant rape your lungs like cigs... a tub of shisha and i should know i have like 4 of them, contains 0.0% tar and 0.5% nicotine on top of that the way shisha is made its not made like tobacco for cigs are made with all those chemicals that will rape you.... and tar is the main thing that fucks up your lungs.. shisha contains none sooooooooo ..... yea.