fashow69 said:
seankane said:
Nick Granger said:
its only your money, time, and other stuff
exactly. its our "money, time, and other stuff." why do you care what others do in their own time when they're enjoying themselves? really, who wants to live to be 95 years old anyway?
i agree.... and quite the contrary it cant rape your lungs like cigs... a tub of shisha and i should know i have like 4 of them, contains 0.0% tar and 0.5% nicotine on top of that the way shisha is made its not made like tobacco for cigs are made with all those chemicals that will rape you.... and tar is the main thing that fucks up your lungs.. shisha contains none sooooooooo ..... yea.
Wouldn't say it contains no tar, the place i goto says it contains some percent of tar on the menu, but its somewhere in the .005 percent range hah. But yeah you can get nicotine filters for the hoses to stop any if your crazy, so its pretty much clean smoke