hot glued wheel problem help???

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Bronze member
i have made hot glued wheels and i searched how to make them and i do it right but when i ride them and land some big ledges or something the hot glue starts to fall out in chunks and leaving no hot glue in between the spokes can anyone help me? am i hot gluing it wrong?


Bronze member
first i take a piece of tape put it on the bottom fill the gaps the wait then i take the tape off the bottom and fill in the rest of the gaps then i go around on both sides


Bronze member
thats is the video i watched to glue it nd the glue fall out but i learned a mod 2 glue it after u do the whole full core with glue you wait for it to dry and take a lighter and burn the glue making it wet agin then wait 4 it to be mushy and press the glue in i have done this with my wheel and i have no problems its solid


Bronze member
its mad nice but when you do this mod DO NOT put them in the freezer it makes the glue weaker and the glue hardend too much making it kind of like ice and the glue cracks
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