How do i get my fuzion elite dialed???

Robert Reichley

Bronze member
Hey guys umm i have a fuzion elite complete. I had it for a couple of weeks and no matter how hard i try i just cant get it dialed.. It runs an ics bolt. I broke the stock axles trying to tighten the front ajd back wheels. Got new grade a bolts that work well.. Even when i tighten everything as much as i can, theres still this janky noise..

So if anyone else has a fuzion elite and got over this problem, please help.
i had the same problem when i had mine, it would be dialed sometimes, then come back and it sounded horrable, idk what to tell you, maybe take the flexy off and mount it with a strip of bike tube? might help.

Robert Reichley

Bronze member
i had the same problem when i had mine, it would be dialed sometimes, then come back and it sounded horrable, idk what to tell you, maybe take the flexy off and mount it with a strip of bike tube? might help.

Yea i was fooling around with it last night trying to find out where the noise was coming from and it is the brake.. So im gonna use the bike tube method


Make sure the spacer between the bearings in the wheel isn't the rattle . I fought my sons noise for weeks before I figured it out and everyone thought it was the break . Just mt .02