how do u die micros??


arandomperson said:
zolof said:
if i were to dye a white wheel kinda light purplish how would i go along with the dying process?

just make shure not to put much dye into the mix otherwise it will turn out really dark because i remeber that one time i was dying a white wheel pink but i put in to much dye and it ended up being a really dark red colour.
thanks alot =]
haha your name seeman lol anyway i think this kid saw a micro sprite and then saw a micro bullet and thought it was dye or maybe he saw a proto and thought it was a dyed micro metal core.


zolof said:
wait if i were to dye a clear wheel would it still be see through?

it won't stay totally clear. like you will still be able to see through it a bit but not as much as you could before you dyed it.


zolof said:
if i were to dye a white wheel kinda light purplish how would i go along with the dying process?
Well I did "Purple" RIT dye on a clear promodel, and use 2oz for 1.5gal of water, came out perfect, not dark purple like it is on the bottle, but light.
Yes it will be see-through.

Steve Moore

Steel Member
JoeyR said:
every time some asks a question all they get is some stupid shit like "how do sand break?" "break do sand how?" or something else, even when the question is pronounced and typed correctly.
huh, should be someone