How long do you scooter a day?


i ride 2-3 hours straight, but sometimes if takes a few minutes to get in the bowl i spend all my time waiting in line


depends on the weather for me... if its super hot... i wont even go out... if its like 80-85 degrees... i will stay out until i am tired... or until i get hurt hahaha


eric magray said:
on a good riding day, the whole day. on a not-so-great day i usually just use my scooter to get around and dont actually "ride"

i always have it with me its my transport and good wheather ill do tricks lol


i get bored, so i film myself for liek 5 hours, and with friends from like 11 in the morning til like 12 at nite, or 1.


My usual riding avg. is prolly 4 hours....depends on my energy level and if im feeling where im riding...

i used to ride like 6-7 hours a day on average and an average of 6 miles a day, street...

my longest was twice i rode for 12 those are awesome
daytime-2 hours nighttime-3 or 4 and the longest ive ever went without a brake was like 3 hours then i drank out of someones hose near were i was shreddin i like to get all my tricks that i know i can do in before i try new ones or work on combos