how many hours?

wen i played cod4 alot i played like 6 hours somedays.
mainly in the morning i played from about 11pm-5am lol

i only play like 2-3 every day now games arent as fun(<333 psp)


I own WSP.
Alex Steezeman said:
Last week I played hella cause everyone was at school and I wanted to beat Midnight Club, and I'm gonna be playing a lot with Skate 2 but I still gotta do school and the like.

good man, best game
i probs spend 10max


used to play like 40hours a week back in the days
a true asian gamer hahaha
now i play like 30min or less a week because of my scooter<333

brian amato

used to be more, prolly like 15-20 tops?

INTERESTING FACT: I used to LOVE the game Oblivion. I've played it for around 600 hours haha.