How much is my scooter worth?


So I used to ride, bout a year back and haven't been to the skatepark since october of 2009, I don't plan on getting back into it, so I am just wondering how much is a fair asking price to sell. Here it is:

Raw Inward Bars Spray Painted Black
Animal grips
Pro model deck [bolted Duh!]
Black Jessup Grip
Stock Neck
Cane Creek headset
Dialed Break
Blue Hep Greg Wheel 110 mm White Eurathane
Hot glue Pro Model

I put hours of work into my scoot and really hate to see it go. Although I would really like to sell, I DO NOT want to sell this is online so offers will not be accepted. Thank you for your understanding


like 90-110

you would get more if you parted it. maybe. no one really uses pro decks anymore.

Yeah thanks for the info bro. I know that nobody uses prodecks. Its all one piece now, But you really think i'll get more if i part it? Hmmm thanks maye i will do that