So I bought phoenix HIC suicides from muse phoenix about 2 days ago it arrived in a very poorly handled and created 2 piece cardboard flab "box".
Apparently as soon as i started riding i noticed the left handlebar was bent inwards about 2-4 degrees.
I need help fixing this as I cant ride this... I honestly dont know if it was her or ups, but please help me either give me tips on how to bend the other bar so that the backsweep is equal, or help me by telling me how to bend them forward.
Apparently as soon as i started riding i noticed the left handlebar was bent inwards about 2-4 degrees.
I need help fixing this as I cant ride this... I honestly dont know if it was her or ups, but please help me either give me tips on how to bend the other bar so that the backsweep is equal, or help me by telling me how to bend them forward.