how to get air in verts

Yeah quite true, the feeling of them is fuked, they are awsome to ride, biggest one i have riddin would have been about 15 foot!

and aired that possibly a few CM above coaping..


pumping at the transfers also helps
bend your knee's at the transfers and straigten them, but not so much that u jump, it gets you well more speed to air with

Eric Magray

Steel Member
lonnieriley3 said:
for some reason when im airing out my back wheel always hits on the way back in any one know why?
if your airing on non-vert when you do that then try hitting the coping with your front wheel on the way up and you should be fine if you already do that then try tucking a little bit before you land just so you dont hit and tucking will also help you pump out when you ride away, if you are doing it on vert then i have no idea how the hell you can do that but try that^^ anyway it might help on vert