How to hang 5!


Josh Serafin said:
Anybody find It weird I can hang-five better when I hop onto something then on flat? It's the same with nose manuals.

thats super weird.

thanks for the feedback. =)


haha thanks bro =).

and just out of intrest are yu the dude that tryed to 360 the vic park box?


Really good tutorial man.

I ride regular but my stronger foot is my right, should I just suck it up and learn with my left at the front on the mech (helping with jumping onto manny pads into hang 5's) or jump up something and in mid air switch my footing around and land with the right foot on the mech?

I find the latter very hard to do in my opinion.


I would have no idea.. I would suggest learning nose manuals I guess lol, maybe even learning them with your right foot on the folding mech first, and bringing it further and further back onto the deck or something like that haha.

But I watched Alex's mini and I noticed he hang 5's regular with his left foot.. but I have no idea if he is left footed or whatever. I would just suggest experimenting around, I think emoo can swich hang 5 anyway haha =)