How to put bars on?


So my scooter bars snapped, at the height adjustment...its totally broke. So how do I take the whole bar off at the end?


nigga you know it
jdben is hella chill
and i didnt want him to think im serious when i told him to stfu


Guys...Srry maybe i didnt post clear... It broke at the clamp at heigh adjustment.... I want to take the WHOLE bar segment off...the whole thing so its just a deck
zolof said:
JDBen said:
a girl broke scooter bars?

erm.......just wondering
ive broken three pairs haha
and tons of forks
so stfu

i still dont know how this girl did it. I dont wanna sound like im a dick either. I mean you dont have to be good to break a part, you could just be fat or do unnecessary regular ride offs or jumps off stuff and land with force. But a girl has been ridin 3 weeks and breaks the bar at the clamp? And so far Ive like whipped 7 sets and stuff and have only broken a pair in my life.... ? Crazy. Not being a jerk or anything, it just baffles me how you broke bars, and yet I break everything but bars? haha seriously

but to take the whole bars off and nothing else just the bars so you end up with a deck AND a fork... you loosen the bolts from the clamp on the bottom of your bars and slide it up when its loose enough to make sure its out of the way and applying no pressure. Then put the fork with the front wheel in it between your feet, unscrew to the left while pulling up by turning you handlesbars... and whalah... done


take off the little bolt thing in the folding mech by breaking of the little black rings it's held by. if your scoots bolted, unbolt it. then just slide the head tube out and you'll end up with just a deck.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
pretty sure she rides a New A. unscrew the bolt at the bottom of the bars. then, twist off the bars. wahlah.


guys..i am not fat...nor am i secretly an expert. My dad took the clamp off because my knee kept hitting it, so he welded it and that metal doesnt weld good so it cracked

Mr. Proto

You have to loosen the clamp at the bottom of the bars and slide/unscrew the bars off the fork then put new bars on (if you have them). If you don't have new bars I'm sure you could easily track down some new stock bars because most people get rid of them these days or you can buy after market bars that do not have the height adjustment clamp so you won't have to worry. It is not a good idea to weld aluminum bars in the middle of the steering column... I can say this from experience. Even if the weld is good it just makes it too weak. If you get new stock bars you can take the adjustment clamp off, drill a hole through the bars where the clamp was and put an old front axle or bolt through it and that will be plenty strong enough for you and the bolt won't stick out as much as the clamp.

Steve Moore

Steel Member
PROTO Scooters said:
You have to loosen the clamp at the bottom of the bars and slide/unscrew the bars off the fork then put new bars on (if you have them). If you don't have new bars I'm sure you could easily track down some new stock bars because most people get rid of them these days or you can buy after market bars that do not have the height adjustment clamp so you won't have to worry. It is not a good idea to weld aluminum bars in the middle of the steering column... I can say this from experience. Even if the weld is good it just makes it too weak. If you get new stock bars you can take the adjustment clamp off, drill a hole through the bars where the clamp was and put an old front axle or bolt through it and that will be plenty strong enough for you and the bolt won't stick out as much as the clamp.
Wow. Nice job. Lockage.