i need help with barspins

spin barspins all the time when your not actually scootering just spin and catch over and over idk thats how i got comfortable catching them
Do a one handed x-up then chuck the barspin if the just chuck it at the start it goes out of control

Practice the motion with your bars hanging over a curb so you can practice the motion

Watch Dan warwicks mini 4



barspins were the first thing i learnt.... so heres some tips

set it up on curb and get the motion down.
jump up and spin hard... remember to catch it. if your landing one footer like i satrted to do... (i ride ski) pretend your feet are glued together might help... helped me.. just keep focused and think of all of those things



That should be the first and last piece of advice you should give yourself before starting a "need help with ________" thread in the tricks section. You can't expect to learn tricks instantly because you were told how somebody completely different does it. They obviously took the time to practice and develop their own way of doing that trick which is comfortable for them, and you should do the same. This bit of advice is directed at almost everybody..

Seriously, I am 100% for making the tricks section only 1 thread, which is the new tricks woo thread, and anybody who posts that they need help with a trick in there should get a warning.