I Never Leave My House Without...

Ethan Spence

Bronze member
ryanbehlau said:
Phone duh.
Usually iPod.
And some tree if i got it.

haha never ride in the dark if you are high. i swear i saw BK... and i rode toward him.. but it was a lady walking her dog. LMFAO.


Keys on carabiner/in back left pocket (even if I'm not driving)
Wallet in back right pocket
Allen wrench set and lip balm in front left pocket
Phone in front right pocket

I usually try to have zip ties with me all the time too, I have a few in my backpack and some in my toolbox deal as well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
front left pocket(usually wearing shants): Chapstick, ipod if im riding, and allen key.
Front right pocket: cell phone
Side belt loop: house key
back right pocket, wallet.