"I Wish" Thread


I wish I could go one school semester without getting in trouble...last year i got suspended twice for fighting in the first semeser and expelled in the second one, and this year i swore to myself i wouldnt get in ANY trouble and the first semesters almost over and ive gotten like 3 detentions 1 saturday school ive gone to the principles office a shitload and idk just a bunch of bullshit. its like impossible for me to keep out of trouble im only 14 and ive been to jail already its fucked up and i dont like it but i just chill with the wrong crowd and have the wrong habits i guess but i feel pretty powerless to stop myself from fucking up
DMazz said:
i wishh...

it was summer
i had the perfect set up
i had the best video camera
i had the best camera (pictures)
i could be with my gf right now
it is in australia :)

Charles_Doidge said:
Margaret said:
Charles_Doidge said:
i wish i did not fuck up in life a few years ago..
i wish i could fix it all but im to depressed too.
i wish i had a girl in my life..
i wish i was better at scootering
i wish i could scoot more
i wish i could feel happy
i wish there was better goose/duck hunting in arizona
i wish i did not have diabetes ..
i wish i wasn't bi-polor..
i wish i could "grow up"
i wish "sad" was never a feeling peple had to feel..
i wish death was not apart of life..
i wish EVERYTHING did not revolve around money..
i wish i was smarter
i wish i, i kinda wish i was dead

youre bi-polar?
no offense but thats a big OHHHHHHHHHHHH.
thats terrible, i know what that's like completely.
and i know all your general feelings :(
i feel sad for you now.

ya i am, and it sucks cuz ive lost some good friends and stuff
but oh well
i hope i dont offend you in any way but whats bi-polar?


Steel Member
I wish i had a gen 5 pro model skaterhq scooter
I wish i had a million dollars
I wish my parents weren't so religous
I wish i had 5 crates of rockstar


Silver Member
I wish the economy crashed.
Cause another great depression, in which countries would have to end war due to lack of money, people come together and work towards a common goal, it was resolved, but the situation stayed the same.
I wish religion didn't affect peoples lives in a negative way.
I wish scooters were big enough to make a living off.
I wish i could keep a girl long enough to fall in love...


I got myself banned.
I wish

Africa and indias entire population were wiped out
I could drop out of school and work full time
People lightened the fuck upp

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
that i wasnt a person who enjoyed participating in violence. its so looked down upon and misunderstood throughout society. if i play a ufc vid ect. in my house anyone who generally see's it will look at it and comment on how disgusting and barbaric it is. what they dont see and understand is that its between 2 people who want to be there doing the thing they love, being in combat and testing there skills.

that i had never being cheated on in my previous relationship. not that i still want to be with her, i really love my current girlfriend. but it has fully crushed my trust in girlfriends in general.

that people born into rich familys knew what they had and to appreciate it. not that im not well off, its just ive had to work for mostly everything i have in my life. and then i see other people in richer familys getting things given things to them then complaining that there not good enough, when they've never really had to go out there and earn something.

that people my age and older where abit more independent. its annoying to see when people cant do anything themselves and rely on there parents for basically everything.

that i had being born way back in the past, in a japanese village full of samurais and learn to be one. i feel like thats where i belong ha.


Steel Member
AaronBransdon. said:
I wish the economy crashed.
Cause another great depression, in which countries would have to end war due to lack of money, people come together and work towards a common goal, it was resolved, but the situation stayed the same.
I wish religion didn't affect peoples lives in a negative way.
I wish scooters were big enough to make a living off.
I wish i could keep a girl long enough to fall in love...
Mohamed said:
I wish i had a gen 5 pro model skaterhq scooter
I wish i had a million dollars
I wish my parents weren't so religous
I wish i had 5 crates of rockstar
i wish you lived closer to me so we could ride more

live closer to me you n00b


Silver Member
Mohamed said:
AaronBransdon. said:
I wish the economy crashed.
Cause another great depression, in which countries would have to end war due to lack of money, people come together and work towards a common goal, it was resolved, but the situation stayed the same.
I wish religion didn't affect peoples lives in a negative way.
I wish scooters were big enough to make a living off.
I wish i could keep a girl long enough to fall in love...
Are you seriously retarded?
I explained why directly underneath that statement...

Dom Marconi

Silver Member
i wish

that i had the best grades in school without trying
that girls would take me more seriously
that my bones wouldnt break
i had super duper mega balls
i had a local skatepark
i had started scooting earlier
i lost weight
that i was the hellen keller of having sex. oh wait, thats a bad example
i gots the ca$hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i could go back in time and make everything right.


Steel Member
Dom Marconi said:
i wish

that i had the best grades in school without trying
that girls would take me more seriously
that my bones wouldnt break
i had super duper mega balls
i had a local skatepark
i had started scooting earlier
i lost weight
that i was the hellen keller of having sex. oh wait, thats a bad example
i gots the ca$hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
i could go back in time and make everything right.
Jordan said:
I wish...

people could be more open and accepting to God.
i lived closer to my mom.
i lived closer to other people who ride.
people took me seriously, and could look past my height.
that i was taller

my life is good, but sucks at the same time. theres a lot of things i wish i could trade, oh well.


I wish i had a gf again


Austin Bartlett
Adding on...
I wish I hadn't been cheated on after a year of dating.
I wish my parents weren't divorced, but on the other hand I'm glad they are.
I wish people wouldn't judge me until they really know me.