I'm going to live in Australia... Queensland riders here ? :)

Hi everybody !
(Please excuse my English, I'm French :p)

So, I'm going to live 1 complete year in Autralia (From July to July), in Queensland !
I go there without my family (so alone), so I'll live in host families (Normaly 3).
But that is not really important ;)

In fact, "I'm looking" for riders who live in the Queensland, with whom I could ride, because when I'll arrive I'll be(en ?) a little lost !

I haven't so much time so I can't explain you all :p

I just give you my FB : Félix LAVIGNE DELVILLE
Add me ;)

It's all good, I stop here for now !
Thank's you all, Aussies are the Best no ?! :D

I hope this is understandable, Bye !

Queensland is a good part of Australia to stay in. Real skate lifestyle up there, laid back and shit.

Oh, and the women up that way are pretty fine too.