Im gona try my first backflip


people do them differently man. some people bend their knees and others dont. when i did them my knees were a lil bent on take off, pretty straight completely upside down, and bent again for so idk man just do them, and whatever u do, u asking for advice on what to do WHILE ur flipping, you'll be thinking too much, instead of just doing the trick. (if its even considereda trick and not a joke)


BST Moderator
Staff member
you don't know how to hop and u want to backflip? ......goodbye

Ollies is the name of a skatepark you fool! lmao ;)

no skill, just takes balls, try to flip quite fast on your first time, you'll most likely land on your feet for the first few tries, then when you commit to keep your hands and feet on the scooter, you'll land it.

try not to mess up the first time since it can scare you for life haha xD

Shaun Walton

Bronze member

You will need to be 110% confident in yourself, need 110% commitment. If you decide to and do flip, and second guess yourself at the point you begin it. You will not land it. Happened to me.

Get enough speed to get a decend height.

Run up to it and act as if your gunna pull back to get the feel when to pull and tuck.

Dont pull back and tuck to soon in the quarter, start to lean back at the top of the quarter let your front wheel hit and pull back, and pull your bars in and tuck in and keep your head looking up.

Spot your landing when upsidedown and look at that spot.

Let the flip come around and you land.

Do not, i mean do not second guess yourself if you decide to flip and begin the flip. When looking up, dont decide to look down, it stops/slows the flip and land on your head or chest. Dont pull super hard in fear, just pull, look up, tuck in, spot landing and land. DONT THROW YOUR SCOOTER. It will throw the flip off or come down and hit you.

Josh Young

Super Moderator
Staff member
wait for a foam pit dude. its totally worth it trust me. first flip i ever tried even into foam i landed on my head... haha

do NOT let go of your scooter. and keep looking back like lead with your head and your body will follow (RAD :) )

and theres not that many great places to try flips at, at ollies, ive been there many a times