I'm thinking and I thought of something...


Silver Member
I was thinking. Yes, I actually was, and I thought "Wouldn't it be awesome if bearings came broken in?". Cause like, the companies that make them could put them on a super long rod and rotate it on a board or something for a whole day, then sell them already broken it... think about it?


If they do that they will charge extra money for the bearing and it might break while they're doing it but otherwise that is an awesome idea coz they'll be fast as as soon as you get them


yea i mean, its just another excuse to ride if u need one lols. but breaking in headset bearings like FSA impact its annoying. so much blue grease stuff comes out its ridiculous.


Silver Member
Yeah but I hate riding slow bearings :( Also, headset bearings are the biggest bitch, I spent like a whole 2 hours doing the tailwhip motion and it's only just starting to spin freely


dudes its in their minds and if you want the smoothest berrings ever solvent on them take out the oil or grese and ride it gose super fast but it will explode in a minth