indian givers


Bronze member
I saw people do both with style...gtfo with this inventing style threads...
I don't do neither of those, but I don't fucking care...
It's personality, we ain't robots we will never ride all the same...

Big L

Steel Member
I don't find indians givers bad at all haha i don't see why everyone flips about them i think in some situations they can actually look better

Lamont Tyre

i dont push mongo but my man dmazz does sometimes but also pushes regular an twan pushes mongo,hep greg does alot of ppl do in scootering who really cares, that whole pushing mongo looks bad is skater shittt thats rediculous lol and i do indian givers with combos out tho so it looks good and idgaf if ppl say thats an indian giver...ok thats cool im glad u named it for me lmao


Staff member
I push mongo and I do indian givers because I like doing oppo 180 whips into ramps


Bronze member
when im doin a fast fakie i spin out or halfcab the same way but if im fakiing slower or doing sliders i do them as an indian giver. i like trying things opposite so i vary which way i spin so i do both really
INDIAN GIVERS look like shit IMO, they just bug the hell out of me because just like matt ogle said , they dont look natural or flowy as they do not complete the 360 rotation. You see a lot of indian giver sliders. I Hate those.

MONGO. Who cares? Its them pushing and nothing else. Making fun of how someone pushes is making fun of how someone stands on their scooter. I think its more a trend of hate that no one understands why they dont like it. They just know that everyone else hates it and so do they.
the only reason I would push mongo is if I'm trying to get somewhere semi-quick. aaaand usually my back foot starts to hurt a bit after pushing a bunch. but in park mongo is definately wack as fuuuck