Inward help.


So yeah. I bri to my right and i ride regular. What side should i inward on and do you have any tips for them? thank you :))
chances are that you inward the same side you bri, so probably right, but whatever side thats comftorable. and get the motion down.


Bronze member
im exactly the same as you but i throw inwards on my left

its hard cause when i was learning them i always had to land switch but now i can land regular cause i practiced. thats all you gotta do is practice

Hey Mesh

practice heaps,get motion real quick and try them over a ramp u get heaps of air on til u can get them smaller and off other ramps n shit lol and when you first start trying them you'l probs go over ur head really high and wont get the perfect motion so just try avoid goin real high and make sure ur motion is perfect on ground before u try in air lol