is anyone actaully gay

Chris Picone said:
WARNING: This post consists of me attempting to sound smarter than i am.

Why do people call scooters gay? The statement "scooters are gay" has a few implications. First, the trait that the scooter or rider has, gayness, is bad. Second, the act of scootering itself is inherently homosexual.

So... why is it that scooters are gay? I don't know. It's not exactly a homoerotic sport at all. Do people fear that being around or riding scooters will turn them gay? No one can be that stupid... Are people just using "gay" to describe something they don't like, thus continuing the negative connotation that "gay" is a synonnym for stupid or bad, thus degrading actual gay people? Most likely.

So, in my opinion, no one's actually calling scooters gay because it's more homoerotic than, say, skateboarding. They're just using the word gay and homo in a bad fashion, as if someone that is gay or homo is a terrible thing to be and is inherently stupid, thus we should call everything else stupid "gay" to make them feel worse.

well at least we know one scooter rider is gay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Jordan Jasa

Silver Member
Daniel Barrett said:
Kenny Owens said:
TylerWheeeeland said:
today capron kept slapping my butt and saying good game like in football.
it was really funny.

and mats right
That is exactly why scooters are fuckin gay, everytime I go to a park theres dumb scooter people that slap each others asses and act gay. Its gross stop doing it.

It's true almost all of the scooter riders act gay, like to much and all of the time. Another little reason why we might get looked down on
almost all scooter riders act gay because almost all scooter riders are immature little teenage boys. what teenage boy doesn't act gay at one time or another?
Encarmine said:
razorfanatik54 said:
when i got hom,e I rode my pro 4 the 1st time , went across the street and some 18 year old walking by said " Let me borrow that" and I daid "No I just bought it" and He said well u ride that, so ur a f@g!" I was like watever, then as he walked away, I said under my breath "douchebag"
Did you feel macho after that?
no. lol.


razorfanatik54 said:
Encarmine said:
razorfanatik54 said:
when i got hom,e I rode my pro 4 the 1st time , went across the street and some 18 year old walking by said " Let me borrow that" and I daid "No I just bought it" and He said well u ride that, so ur a f@g!" I was like watever, then as he walked away, I said under my breath "douchebag"
Did you feel macho after that?
no. lol.
We didnt think so

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
idk i act gay about 99% of the time just becuase it keeps me entertained at work and stuff haha. Just about every guy i know and hang out with does the same thing though, its definitely not limited to kids that scooter so idk why that would affect the stereotype scooters have already.

humpurple kushiones

Steel Member
razorfanatik54 said:
when i got hom,e I rode my pro 4 the 1st time , went across the street and some 18 year old walking by said " Let me borrow that" and I daid "No I just bought it" and He said well u ride that, so ur a f@g!" I was like watever, then as he walked away, I said under my breath "douchebag"
oooo! your such a badasss!


Serjey Noga said:
Sam Shields said:
this thread is gay.

Nick Granger said:
razorfanatik54 said:
Encarmine said:
razorfanatik54 said:
when i got hom,e I rode my pro 4 the 1st time , went across the street and some 18 year old walking by said " Let me borrow that" and I daid "No I just bought it" and He said well u ride that, so ur a f@g!" I was like watever, then as he walked away, I said under my breath "douchebag"
Did you feel macho after that?
no. lol.
We didnt think so


razorfanatik54 said:
Encarmine said:
razorfanatik54 said:
when i got hom,e I rode my pro 4 the 1st time , went across the street and some 18 year old walking by said " Let me borrow that" and I daid "No I just bought it" and He said well u ride that, so ur a f@g!" I was like watever, then as he walked away, I said under my breath "douchebag"
Did you feel macho after that?
no. lol.

But yeah, best thread like forever.