tanner markley
Chris Picone said:WARNING: This post consists of me attempting to sound smarter than i am.
Why do people call scooters gay? The statement "scooters are gay" has a few implications. First, the trait that the scooter or rider has, gayness, is bad. Second, the act of scootering itself is inherently homosexual.
So... why is it that scooters are gay? I don't know. It's not exactly a homoerotic sport at all. Do people fear that being around or riding scooters will turn them gay? No one can be that stupid... Are people just using "gay" to describe something they don't like, thus continuing the negative connotation that "gay" is a synonnym for stupid or bad, thus degrading actual gay people? Most likely.
So, in my opinion, no one's actually calling scooters gay because it's more homoerotic than, say, skateboarding. They're just using the word gay and homo in a bad fashion, as if someone that is gay or homo is a terrible thing to be and is inherently stupid, thus we should call everything else stupid "gay" to make them feel worse.
well at least we know one scooter rider is gay ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^