Is the desert a bad place for a scooter?


Hello, my name is Lynz and this actually my first post here. :) I've been wanting a scooter for a long time, and there's a Genuine Buddy 150 I think I might buy. Before I go through with that, I thought I might ask all of your opinions of riding in the desert.

I live near Palm Springs in Southern California. My intention for this scooter was not just for zipping around town, but also for using it as my primary commuter to get to work and college in nearby cities. My daily commute back and forth would probably be 45 mins to an hour a day. I do know that the Buddy would be able to reach high enough speeds to ride on these streets as long as I avoid the highways, so that isn't my main concern.

Now, as you might know, this is a windy desert. We have lots of wind mills out here to harness these winds. No doubt there would at least be some days out of the year where the wind would be too much, but what about more moderately windy days? Is that something you can ride in easily enough with practice?

Also, what about sand? Until I started reading about road hazards more, I never realized something as mundane as sand and gravel could cause an accident. It's the desert, you can't escape the sand. It's on the streets I'd be taking daily, it's blowing in the wind, it's even in my drive way. Are there special tires I could buy to make driving in the sand safer? Are their techniques I could use? Or is the area I live in just bad for scooters?

Thanks for reading through that, sorry if it's a bit lengthy. I appreciate anyone's input on this.


After looking around a bit, I think I came to the wrong forum! It's about scooters, just not the kind I thought! Lol, sorry guys.