James Gee Lucky web edit 2012

I liked it allot actually. Only negatives in the whole thing i can find are the front board at 4:02 looked a little odd and it could have ended much stronger but i though there was some solid riding in there.

Michael Hohmann

Bronze member
Damnnn lots of hate but thats cool i like the way i ride haha. thanks for the views tho dudes.

james your honestly one of my favorite riders, the way you handle spots with your speed and how solid your riding looks, some people might not like you but your aggressive, clean, solid and fast... but i know the ender was probably super difficult because of the crazy rail haha but i did expect a little more bang to end of this edit, good shit though. in one of your lines, i think with the whip bar flat the start trick it was like fs boardslide 3 out, it just looks so clean!


i thought it was sick the fast lines and everything, banger was not you best though even though i know thats hard


james your honestly one of my favorite riders, the way you handle spots with your speed and how solid your riding looks, some people might not like you but your aggressive, clean, solid and fast... but i know the ender was probably super difficult because of the crazy rail haha but i did expect a little more bang to end of this edit, good shit though. in one of your lines, i think with the whip bar flat the start trick it was like fs boardslide 3 out, it just looks so clean!

My ender took the longest amount of time for sure. Thats why its the last trick. pretty long with bumps in it to board backlip i thought was dope haha. Definitely tried really hard on this edit which i thought was 100x better then my OPUS i wasnt doing any rails then and i did boards, front boards, and back lips for this one and not a single bri/front bri in it either. Totally get why people say its not my best, but sometimes i really can't handle the big stuff because i have wrecked my ankles so much. I'll keep all your opinions for my next video which i already got clips for haha.