Lets end this, once and for all.

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brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
JKSN MNZ said:
Alex Steezeman said:
I agree with no bowlegs, but that picture of Stan is clicked. Another thing is Aussie turndowns (in front of the leg) do not count.

Oh, of course.
This doesn't count for anything:

no, because that's a lookback =)

kiidding kidding

Peter Luce

Bronze member
Bowlegs done correctly are just as good looking as straight legged turndowns. IMO Dan Barret's turndowns are some of the sickest and their bowlegged.


I think this thread is pointless, its your opinion but nobody has to fit the "perfect turndown" standard.
If its clicked, its good. bowlegged or straight.


ha jonny got a warning for saying this shit in a thread, he said bowlegs are a trick different from turndowns, which is true.

cant find the thread :(
jay magee said:
Brian Murphy said:
cali kids should learn from this
dont hate on cali... well norcal cause all our tdowns are legit

unless it looks like stan smirnoff turn down.... then no sir, you are incorrect

and i don't "hate" on cali im tring to move there so suck my whole dicck


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
turndowns were ORIGNALLY (and even sometimes now) called a LOOKDOWN and what is stan smirnofff doing in the last photo? LOOKING DOWN
here are some turndown airs im pretty sure they are proper anything unlike this is gay i rekon.


photo is to early

and this is just wrong

lock thread i rekon


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
^^^first 3 are turndownds, last one is bowlegs/ that kid isa looks lika noob. /THREAD

brandon kilbury

Super Moderator
Good news everyone!

I've met with the international turndown committee and they all agreed that bowlegs are infact a turndown, since we aren't riding bikes! Isn't that great?!

Yea, this thread is just stupid, and I'll continue locking any threads like it in the future... myself and everyone else that do bowlegged turndowns could really give a shit less whether someone counts it as a "turndown" or a "bowleg" so just live with it.
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