Liquids that are terribly bad for you thread.

Matt Dibble

Staff member
Brian Boston said:
Jake Carlyon said:
hahaha. i pity like... 95% of you fools. i can legally buy as much grog as i want. and i can drink at pubs and clubs, with my real ID. :)
Im James McGurk, im 24 years old and its expired.

I'm scared to get a fake. I'm a cashier and I know I don't really inspect them that much, but still, I don't think I really look 21. I would so buy beer all the time though haha.

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
Donald Miguel said:
Jake Carlyon said:
hahaha. i pity like... 95% of you fools. i can legally buy as much grog as i want. and i can drink at pubs and clubs, with my real ID. :)

I've got a liquor store who always hooks it up.
lol i was buying my own grog when i was 17. all my friend work in the store and they used to just tell the managers that i was 18. ahhh gotta love aus.


Jake Carlyon said:
Donald Miguel said:
Jake Carlyon said:
hahaha. i pity like... 95% of you fools. i can legally buy as much grog as i want. and i can drink at pubs and clubs, with my real ID. :)

I've got a liquor store who always hooks it up.
lol i was buying my own grog when i was 17. all my friend work in the store and they used to just tell the managers that i was 18. ahhh gotta love aus.

lol. No.
Its so fuckkking strict here in japan i just buy it from the convenient store and i dont need an id or anythin
but here you have to go to a liquor store and they check youre id like everytime

Matt Dibble

Staff member
ive got 1 main person, then like 3 others that are available most of the time if main person is out or whatever. i told reeves when he is 21 in june he is gonna get calls at all hours :) hahaha. Actually, most of you probably don't remember reeves.

Brian Boston

I got myself banned.
My liver probably hates me so much right now. I started drinking last thursday and took 1 night off so i drank - thurs, fri, sat, sun, tues, weds, thurs, fri, and im drinking as i type this. Spring break at its finest.

Matt Dibble

Staff member
yes, yes he is.
im drunk too.
its ufcking saturday, what do you expect?!1?
we stole two bowling balls and 5 pairs of clown shoes from a bowling alley like an hour ago hahahah.


7 shots of silver 1800, 3 shots of captain, 3 games of bp.

Night was good.

Oh and 2 of those tequila shots were stuntmen, it wont get me more drunk, but it was fun lol.


i'm going to post every time i'm drinking a different good beer i think people should try

to start: yuengling black and tan

Matt Dibble

Staff member
seankane said:
i'm going to post every time i'm drinking a different good beer i think people should try

to start: yuengling black and tan

me and my friend bought like a 12 or 18 of that one time. i didn't really care for it too much. it would be better if i just wanted to sip on it and enjoy it, but that night i wanted to get drunk pretty much i think.

tonight is coors light for me by the way... same as the past like 100 times lol.