The 21 drinking age in the states has turned alcohol into some elusive, mystical, party potion. Kids are raised here being told that alcohol is bad and to stay away from it... yet everyone drinks? It is a totally backwards mentality and ultimately leads to kids binge drinking when they can get their hands on alcohol because they were not raised to learn their limits. They drink light beer because light beer is easier to drink a lot of and that is all they care about... drinking as much as you can as fast as you can because who knows when you will be able to drink beer next... The drinking age prohibits younger people from just sitting back and enjoying GOOD beer on a regular basis instead of shotgunning and passing out once a week. The way I see it, if you are old enough to die for your country you are old enough to drink in your country. I think the age should be lowered to 18 and I think parents should raise their children with alcohol to get rid of this "now or nothing" binge drinking mind set.