Lucky Deck Question.

I want to know if anyone out there has had the lucky evo deck, is it strong? because i noticed the headtube needs to rely on the one bolt that connects the headtube to the deck. What if that thing snaps?
its very strong. if the headtube breaks u might be able to send it back in o lucky for a replacement but chances are ur gonna hafta buy a new one. but its cnced ittl take a long time to break.


Steel Member
the bolts not gonna snap, lots of companies have been using this method for a while and its in my opinion, stronger than welding. And if it snaps, just get a new bolt
I have a lucky evo, and I Loovveeee it. Its so stong and the flat bottom makes it easier to grind with. Not even a shake in the headtube at all and i've had it for almost a month.