Matt Dibble Mini Video 5

Matt Dibble

Staff member
Holy crap Dibbs.

You're a machine.

-Awesome intro

-Fakie 180 whip down stairs was soooooo clean

-Slider to whip was legit, I love the look of that

-Icepick that window was love

-Loving the noseblunts

-That tranny to wall tap looks so cool. What an awesome spot.

-Three whip out of feeble = pretty

-Five whip... shit man

-That crook was more like a noseblunt haha. So sick

-Fakie whip to fakie. Favorite part.

And of course that 720 <3

Dibbs man, I really want to ride with you again.

<3 Thanks bro. I really appreciate it, I forgot you were lurking the site again when I bumped this lol. But forrealzz, thank you. We do need to ride again! How many hours away are you now that you're in college?

Dan - Thanks, again. haha =)
Lance - Thank you!

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Hahaha still on the island, just the other side. I'll be here for another year or so.

Who knows where I will end up at this point i'm just as likely to move to the UK in a few years haha.

But yeah, i'm doing a lot of traveling so anytime I end up near you, you shall be informed!