Nick Griffin <3
Steel Member
anthony, why must be so damn bitter against christians? like going into that much detail to find flaws in the bible? and obviosly u just got those from another site cuz a person like you wouldnt have multiple versions of the bible. and you would get a different message from each of those verses if you bothered to read before and after it.
so please, lets bitch out the idiot who tried to predict this event instead of the whole religion. sounds like every skater ive come across. or do something productive with your life
wow. fucking read my mind. agree 100% with you.seriously, im not, nor am i ever going to respect anyones religion, religion has done a few good things, and a WHOLE bunch of bad things. its a mind control game that the powerful use to their advantage. in uganda christians are trying to pass a law that will make homosexuality a death sentence, gay marriage is also banned in 41 states, christians lobby against stem cell research that could save lives, people choose prayer over medical treatment for their children, and guess what happens? the kids die. the bible is filled with hate, homophobia, murder, genocide, sexism, and soo much more shit that we shouldnt be feeding to our younger generation. religion is child abuse, and if i can plant even just a few seeds that will eventually turn into generations of logical people, then im happy.
you wonder why im so damn bitter about christianity, its because your religion is useless to society now, it causes so much harm and suffering, all in the name of a god you can't prove exists.
^wait...hahahah what the fuck.
is that guy actually saying that rapture did happen but went unnoticed?