Look in some other thread heaps of people have brokenSleep266 said:Has anyone broken a MGP yet if so,.....pics!! i wanna see one broken!!
Billie Rainbow! said:yeah if you are under 60 kgsRoyce said:DeanCrafter said:Ok, moderator duties coming into effect.
If ANYONE so much as mentions the Razor Ultra Pro, have a holiday from SR.
All these MGP threads are turning into arguments about how shit the MGP is or how shit the RUP is.
This is problems with your mgp thread. Stick to the topic.
Ultra pros are madd goood
And mgp needs a grind rail at the bottom of a deck, the deck wears away to quick from grinds
And a taller headtube, so after market forks dont stick out so much
ultra pro ultra pro ultra pro
It's not that much different from a razor pro.... I have size 12 feet and I can stand the width.Rhyley Saville said:mines to thin it hurts my feet
pics or you are confusingÃ? Ã?±Ã?¢ÃÆ?òò m said:my deck is bananaring up (duno how to spell) anyone elses done that??
i tried putting a 110 at the front but it makes the bars lean back to much and it feels wierdDeanCrafter said:Yeh, because your wheels are exactly the same like worn outnessand look at the deck, it bend up at the end so the back wheel stands slightly higher.
Maybe get a new wheel for the front or something, dunno.
Shouldnt affect your riding though.