Micro products in the USA !{[UPDATE}]!

i am trying to get info but the guy has not emailed me back to give me more info
as soon as i get everything i will update the thread

remeber that he is selling all micro parts not just metalcores


Steel Member
i think micro xtreme is different from micro and its managed by eirc rabl, he mod and reinforce the scooters by himself i think, and the metalcores are not manufactured by micro, he just buy them somewhere else and put ''micro xtreme'' on them.
probably you can get stock scooters from your sponsoring... or maybe the XT =].


Staff member
they might be cheaper since they're coming to the US.
less shipping, and whatnot


Nick Donatelli said:
well is he gona make a website?
cause if he has post da ]
Ryan Murray said:
OK everyone so there is a new edition to this sport. There is a guy named John Goney I think and he buys a bunch of companys. He recently just bought a Micro or a part of it so that Micro will start to sell their parts in the USA. He is going to be making a website and sponsoring. I am on the team along with a couple other people such as George Justiniano and Eric Ostrom. I have just emailed him asking all of the details and when he emails me back I will update this thread. I know you are all thinking I am retarted and that this is not going to happen but it is. This guy guy is really legit and has bought many company's.


Steel Member
Ryan Murray said:
Domsicle said:
If this actually happens, I'll buy a micro.. after I break ma pro model that is
it is actually happening the guy had two in his car and is getting 3 more for us

not the xt, I mean if he actually sets up a sight that sells ressin foldys and neck plates then I'd be more then down to get a sprite
Ryan loves me more cuz i give him rides and he owes me $27 so i get his buffs. Micros are gross but i will start riding them if you get them cheap
yeah ok I was conidering getting a micro when I started riding but I noticed at the price and it was not worth it so I just bought an old a at a garage sale.

But if they actually do come to the US I hope we can get them at our sports stores like big 5, joe's, etc.

And I doubt there could be metal cores because this is just micro not micro xtreme


Spencer Moore said:
Ryan loves me more cuz i give him rides and he owes me $27 so i get his buffs. Micros are gross but i will start riding them if you get them cheap
spencer you bitch hahaha why do you lie to me so =(