brandon Franklin
12 stair and a triple 3 stair...neither is hard..but im going bigger soon
i did a tripple backflip scooterflip deck grab impossible sexchange airwalk quad whip down a 100 set, nobody can touch that shit. whats up now terry? Huh? Kc? Josh? huh, huh, huh? step.
the biggest stairs i can jump are like 14 or 15. i did a 15 that was about as high as a 14 and as long as a 16 or 17, and my knees and legs were puddy for a week...probly cuz i bailed like 6 times before i did it and thats a good way to blow your legs to shiiiiit. when you come down from riding full speed into that and just land on your feet it hurts so bad. It makes my legs soar to the point where walking up and down stairs is hella hard and painfull..i hate that, but its WORTH IT.
eirepro said:I did 12, It was down a dip & I landed on a Downhill Bank. I also Tricked It.