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Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
My scooter friend josh mclean used to scoot he was like the exact same as me, if i did something he would do it too and vice versa...But then he quit im like Noooooooo but i got over it, i ride with bmx'ers more now. They take me to other skateparks :D


I knwo when I've ridden with otehr goosd people, I'ev done a bunch of shit I proabbyl wouldnt have done normally. most of teh time I rdie with skateboarders though

Travis House

Wu-Tang Master
Staff member
Same here... I ride with skaters but I rather BMXers... I meat a few that want to ride more often so thats what Im trying to do


i only try new things when im around other people
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Sat May 21 2005, 03:06AM ]</span>
I use to be that way and I realized I wasnt learning crap cause I have no1 to impress lately..so I have been working on almost everything I can think of everyday lately by myself, most of the time. Then whenever I want to film something for my micro sponsor me vid then I get one of my friends to film me.


i never rode with anyone good until i rode with josh, ricky, and erik like 3 months ago but before that i rode basically alone then my friend ian got into it now i basically just ride with him or my skateboarder friends from rialto skatepark and they are really really good and riding with them helps me progress somewhat


Bronze member
most of the skaters around here are douches towards scooterers and the bikers are nice. but then again we are infested wtih little kids on scooters who always snake the skaters so it makes sense


it's the same as it is in anything, in science in art, when you do it by yourself you get comfortable doing the same thing over and over again, unless there is some sort of competition or wanting to outdo, or impress or just get new it's really hard to innovate by yourself. I know when our crew used to be like 12 people i came up with new shit almost every day now that I ride alone it's much harder to come by or to push myself to learn the new thing i'm trying simply cuz noone is there to try to learn/do it for. riding with other riders definitely helps everyone out involved push themselves.
lately ive been riding by myself and ive learned alot of shit because I dont have the pressure of trying to land shit fast to make myself look good in front of them..but now I take my time and get everything ive been trying past week.


yeah i used to ride by myself too but for some reason now, i like being around people...like at parks and shit...i dont really know why..i guess it gives me motivation or something.

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
I like riding by myself sometimes, espically when its just me at the park i get to hog everything!! And theres no one there to laugh at you if you fall off...
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