[moved] VS game

DoubleYou said:
thumbs its the only thing separating us from the animals! BLARG

geocities vs. freewebs (and dont say they both suck we know)

your a dumb fuck also...gorillas and all types of animals in the primate family have thumbs, AND heres another random fact, HUMANS, such as you and I, and every1 on here ARE ANIMALS. We are just the dominant animal of this miserable little earth. Get it through your head and start paying attention when you were in the third grade when the shit was taught to you.


hands are more capable

did you know adobe bought macromedia?

Need For Speed Underground vs Need For Speed Hot Pursuit?


glass, it can shatter more (i believe). and concussions just make you feel wierd if you dont get knocked out, and your ears ring hella

tw to shin vs tw to ankle?