[moved] What are you listening to?


I see some people are naming some new songs off AFIs new record...a lot of people on here listen to some good music...Sean my Emo Bro, you know i love your music..and Jake, good stuff man....hmmm...jes realized im not listening to anything, kinda strange...jes thought id comment on the good stuff..

Jake Carlyon

Steel Member
I like the new AFI album it gets me going super hard when im scooting, I also decided to d/l a scary kids scaring kids album, its pretty good to ride to aswell, but the AFI album is better lol... But seriously, i hate there new look, have you seen the film clip to miss murder? They look bad.....

AFI - Summer shudder


New Album is a bit different...theyve change so much in the past 10+ years...some say for the better, some say for the worst..im a fan none the less...But yea AFI over the years has gotten really into how they look, mainly jes Davey and Jade, there total Fashion Freaks...but yea, good music none the less...different from there older stuff...but still good stuff.