My Apology.

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Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
david for peacekeeper +2
oh and joe, i just a suggestion, but i think we should have sub forums mods
like someone for scooters, someone for scene locator, someone for media, ect. ect.

It was discussed before, a longgg time ago before I was a mod I know that. But recently I'm not sure. PM it to dibble.


Hey Kieran, sorry about what happened earlier.
It was a pointless argument.
I wasn't exactly happy about what you were saying but i'm guessing you were probably feeling the same way.
Hopefully we can get along in the future.


Steel Member
Ah that makes sense.

People don't bitch at him he's doing the best he can to fix whatever he's done. How much more can he really do.


Steel Member
i think that kieran is going to be a great mod everybody thats saying the new mods are serious your making yourself look serious and need to calm. would you guys like it if they werent serious and didnt help out SR at all? thats the point of being a mod to help the forum and not go around joking and doing nothing

Bear Grylls

i think that kieran is going to be a great mod everybody thats saying the new mods are serious your making yourself look serious and need to calm. would you guys like it if they werent serious and didnt help out SR at all? thats the point of being a mod to help the forum and not go around joking and doing nothing

I don't get it. You even stated yourself that there to serious.


Steel Member
This thread is hypocritical remarks. Honestly guys, is it that hard to get over the fact that change happens and sometimes it affects us negatively? Everyone should wakeup and learn to respect that change does happen whether we like it or not. As for me I like all the mods and believe that they will do a great job.

What ever happened to if you don't have something nice to say don't say it? Anyway I thought I would just release my frustration out.

This isn't aimed at any specific person its for all to see and all to react upon.


Steel Member
You guys should just man up and not take things so seriously. He may of went overboard but him and Jona are cool now get over it.

Connor K

Bronze member
It can be really hard to be a good moderator when you first start out, trust me. If you give him a chance and cut him some slack as he settles in and he'll be a great moderator, and if you're thinking something along the lines of, "Why didn't they just pick a more qualified moderator then?" Well just remember that everyone has to start out somewhere. (Not to mention that Kieran is one of the most qualified people I have seen on this site [Out of the members]). I have a lot to add but I won't say any more because this whole hype about the new moderators should die down as soon as it can, and I don't want to keep it going for any longer than it has to. Peace.

Kieran Mayhew

Thanks to the people who accepted this. And to those who didn't, well I tried.
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