Nate Grants new wheel design! SCW!


i thought the nate grant promodel was a joke haha i didnt know you could really buy it hahaha.

interesting idea with the wheel though. its deff a different concept hahaha.


Steel Member
Nate Grant said:
mat i bet you can find someone to sell the protos too. maybe devin.
i dont think so, who would want them now that they are completely obsolete?


Mr. SOA you might be in luck.. Mainly because i watch a lot of Aus videos. And those guys go REALLY fast around those skateparks...and its just too dangerous. So we might consider sending you a few pairs of our wheels. So you can slow those guys down a little bit more.


Steel Member
where can i order? i am scared when i go fast and these wheels seem perfect for me!

also will these wheels ship international? and i can't wait for the new pro mod. sorry for asking so much but i am really looking forward to getting these wheels and deck.

Joe Riley

The Gypsy
Staff member
i see a problem with your wheel...
its starting to dehub already. when it completely dehubs, you will fall. and get hurt.


JoeRiley said:
i see a problem with your wheel...
its starting to dehub already. when it completely dehubs, you will fall. and get hurt.

i dont see how you can fall and get hurt when you will going slow. these wheels are so safe yet so good.
Do these come with those rounded off allen keys iv'e been hearing alot about?