Pretty sure I can't do those. I'm prob going to take a letter because I don't feel like taking the time to learn them. I will try and film this weekend.
Yeah, sorry I've been taking a while. I started filming for a mini I want to put out. I will have the set up Saturday. I know for a fact it's going to be a hop three, stick a manual and 3-whip out.
I dunno. I don't really care I guess. Try filming new stuff now and expand your bag of tricks, it will make things more interesting for both of us. Idc about the first two though
it's a super clean 540 cab. Basically a fakie 540 since I don't do any of the pivoting stuff anymore.
I've been posting from my iphone because my comp at my dads doesn't have Internet. I'm going to my moms tomorrow so I can definitely get it up then though.
I filmed another one and used it for that other game of scoot I was in but that sort of goes against what I just told you not to do a minute ago. It's on my vimeo.