need some advice from someone who is older and knows somewhat about law


Steel Member
go to his house while hes alseep and piss in his eye socket and give him aids so he dies slowly and painfully


Steel Member
Bake him a cake, put some rat poison in it, and write "Jesus forgives you" in icing. Then when he takes a bite, stab him in the fucking face.


hahaha this thread is hilarious, and edyboi, i know where you come from, some one that would go that for just to make fun of you isnt right, that beat his ass or prank is house, egg it, put birdseed on the front lawn, and take a dump on his car, that would be awesome


Keepin' Peace
Staff member
If he keeps annoying you and shit then fight him, if he doesnt want to fight and runs off, dont chase him and beat the shit out of him. Just leave it and call him a pussy and ----- and you have a dope comeback if he ever says anything to you again.
If he does agree to fight you, beat his ass but dont get out of hand, ya'll.


Silver Member
Basically, what I do at school (works everytime), make them throw the first punch. Hit them. Claim self defence. In my school, cause it's all private and shat even if we claim self defence we get crammed in a coffee jar but it don't matter cause you get in more if you start it. Take people with you that will back you up in saying you were using self defence. DON'T film it cause if you go a bit further than "self defence" it's on film and they will charge you with AA. The police shouldn't charge you if you tell them you were being harrased and the other person was beating up on you.

Dustin Nooner

Super queer.
your deff going to get in trouble. first time offense wont be to bad, BUT you could face time behind bars if you fuck him up to me that isnt a place where you wanna be ha. I usually just punk people. literally..80% of people who talk shit wont step up after you punk the shit ou of the on public. If they back down leave it let him look like a bitch. if he wants to fight you better fuck him up hahah. DEFEND YOURSELF..key words.

Ben Moak

Steel Member
this is gonna sound like the opposite thing to do but fight him at school. that way you just get suspended and not jail time


Silver Member
A kid from the grade above wanted to bash me up at the skatey but he said he'd rather bash me at school cause he would rather deal with the school than the police. Still hasn't hit me. lol. But, if you do something really serious at school like literally kick his teeth in or gutter stomp him, then you will probably get in trouble with the police aswell. If you do it at school just keep it like a normal punch/headlock fight, not a throw them on the ground and kick them in the face until you can't recognize them anymore fight. And don't mess up their teeth or smash his glasses (if he has them) or whatever, cause then your out of pocket aswell. Fight smart, ride smart, be smart.

DJ Lee

Steel Member
well the school can also press charges just to be a douche. my step sister got in a fight and court was involved